The Inking Tutorial Ruggels' Tutorials

The Inking Tutorial


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The third style shown here is mine. I picked this up from a combination of inking with a brush, and having to blend it with my draftsmanship training -- what I call my standard "cartoon" inking, or "cursive draftsmanship." The principles are the same as draftsmanship-style inking, with a generally draftsman-style approach, but the lines are very live, tapered, and cursive. You can see the three line thicknesses are there, but as more of a range of thicknesses. Again, the thicknesses and ranges of the lines are exaggerated here for effect, but one can vary the approach to suit the material.

I feel it takes a fair amount of time and discipline to not only judge the thicknesses, but to control a brush or pen enough to do it. I like the results, however -- it's a flexible style. Use harder and thinner lines for a sharper, possibly more representational approach, and for a graphic approach try really fat, bold lines.

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