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+Prove displays consistent, fixed results; +roll displays results based on the outcome of a roll of three six-sided dice against the appropriate stat or skill (or four dice, minus the difference between your Intelligence and the Intelligence Rating of the skill, if you don't know the skill). When a character rolls against another, the result is determined by comparison of the amount by which each made or failed his or her roll (that is, the program rolls for each player, and return a result based on the two rolls).

A roll against a level succeeds if the number rolled is equal to or less than the level. For example, if a player with an IQ of 12 made a roll against her Intelligence to see if she noticed some covert action, a roll of 12 or less would result in a succesful outcome, and a roll of 13 or higher would result in a failed outcome. The program only displays success or failure, not the raw number.

+roll naturalist
>> Nim makes a successful Naturalist roll

A the winner of a `contest of skills' roll is determined in several steps: first, the program calculates whether the initiating player succeeds or fails. If he fails, he automatically loses the contest (this is a slight advantage for the opposing player). If he succeeds, the opposing player's result is calculated. If the opposing player fails, the inititating player wins. If both succeed, the player who makes his roll by the higher amount wins. If both succeed by the same amount, the initiating player wins (a slight advantage for the initiating player).

For example, Cain and Able decide to determine the outcome of an arm-wrestling match as a contest of skills versus Strength. Cain's Strenth is 14; Able's is 12. Cain has an advantage, but will not automatically win the contest. If Cain's roll is 15 or higher, he immediately loses. If his roll is 14 or less, the program will roll for Able. At this point, Cain has already successfully made his roll: if Able fails his — by rolling 13 or higher — he will lose the contest. If Able makes his roll (by rolling 12 or less) the program will compare the amount by which each succeed. If Cain rolled a 12 (succeeding by 2) and Able rolled an 11 (succeeding by 1), Cain would win the contest. If Cain rolled a 13 (succeeding by 1) and Able rolled a 9 (succeeding by 3), Able would win. If Cain rolled a 12 and Able rolled a 10 (both succeeded by 2), Cain would win as the inititating player.

Critical Success and Critical Failure: An unmodified roll of 3 or 4 is a `critical success' and always succeeds. For most coded skills, a critical success also produces some `bonus' effect: a critically successful sword blow can do more damage; a critically successful healing spell can heal more damage. An unmodified roll of 17 or 18 is a `critical failure' and always fails. With coded skills, a critical failure often produces an adverse `backlash' result: a fighter who critically fails a combat maneuever might injure himself or drop his weapon; a political intriguer who attempts to harm the reputation of another character might find that his own reputation has suffered while his opponent's has risen. Players should strive for a similar effect with uncoded skills, increasing the repurcutions of an act as appropriate for a critical success or failure. If Antony's attempt to sway an angry mob with his Oratory skill not only fails, but fails critically, the mob might attack him.

The syntax of +roll is very similar to that of +prove.

  +roll <stat or skill> [vs <player>] [<stat or skill>] [to <player/s>]

Again, the parser interprets correctly constructed imperative sentences, provided that the players to be notified follow the levels to be rolled against. Both the terse and long forms of the following examples are valid +roll commands.

To roll against a stat or skill, +roll <stat or skill>:.

+roll dex
>> Antar makes a successful Dexterity roll

+roll against my constitution.
>> Nim fails a Constitution roll

To make a roll and show the results to a player or group, +roll <ability> to <player/s>

+roll court influence to nim
>> Antar makes a successful Court influence roll. (to you)

+roll against disguise to Antar.
>> Nim makes a successful Disguise roll (to you)
>> Nim makes a successful Disguise roll (to Antar)

To roll a stat or skill against another player's, +roll <ability> vs|vs.|versus|against <player> [<ability>] [to <player/s>]'

+roll int vs Antar
>> Nim makes a successful Intelligence roll against Antar.

+roll my Intelligence against Antar's.
>> Nim makes a successful Intelligence roll Antar

+roll intelligence versus Antar, to Antar and Zolaff.
>> Nim makes a successful Intelligence roll against Antar (to Antar and Zolaff)

Sometimes one stat or skill should be rolled against a different one. For example, a Sleight of Hand roll should be made against a player's INT, to see if the player noticed the attempted slight. The syntax is +roll <ability> vs|vs.|versus|against <player>['s] <ability>.

+roll sleight of hand vs Antar int
>> Nim fails a Sleight of hand roll against Antar's Intelligence

+roll my sleight of hand skill against Antar's Intelligence.
>> Nim fails a Sleight of Hand roll against Antar's Intelligence

There may be occassions when modifiers need to be applied to the roll. For example, you need to make a roll to see if you notice the figure in the alley, but it's dark, it's noisy, and you're in a hurry... So a -1 or -2 modifier would be reasonable. The syntax is +roll <ability> [vs|vs.|versus|against] [<player>['s] <stat or skill>] at <-|+> <number> [to <player/s>].

+roll fencing at -2
>> Antar makes a successful Fencing roll (Mod -2)

+roll sleight of hand against able at +1 to Zin.
>> Antar makes a successful Sleight of Hand roll against Able (Mod +1) (to you)

A parenthetical comment is appended to the roll's output for critical successes and failure.

+roll detect lies against nim
>> Antar makes a successful Detect Lies roll against Nim [CRITICAL]

The program does nothing to determine whether the stats or skills compared in a contest of skills make sense; this is left to the players.

+roll goldsmith vs Antar hypnotism
>> Nim makes a successful Goldsmith roll against Antar's Hypnotism skill

In general, rolls should be made after acting IC. One reason is that otherwise, players could make the roll and then say it was for something important or dangerous if it succeeded, or say it was for something trivial if failed. Another reason is that casting the die before rolling the dice can be fun.

Obi-wan makes a subtle gesture and says quietly, "These aren't the droids you're looking for."
>> Obi-wan makes a successful Mind Bend roll against StormTrooper11
>> Obi-wan makes a successful Mind Bend roll against StormTrooper17
StormTrooper11 says, "These aren't the droids we're looking for."
Obi-wan says quietly, "He can go about his business."
StormTrooper11 says, "He can go about his business."
Obi-wan says quietly, "Move along."
StormTrooper11 gestures, casually officious. "Move along."


Obi-wan makes a subtle gesture and says quietly, "These aren't the droids you're looking for."
>> Obi-wan fails a Mind Bend roll against StormTrooper11
>> Obi-wan fails a Mind Bend roll against StormTrooper17
StormTrooper11 says, "We'll be the judge of that, old man. Keep your hands above your head and step out of the vehicle."
StormTrooper17 levels his blaster at the party.
Obi-wan tugs his beard. "Luke, remember what I was saying about the fool who follows a fool?"


Obi-wan makes a subtle gesture and says quietly, "These aren't the droids you're looking for."
>> Obi-wan makes a successful Mind Bend roll against StormTrooper11
>> Obi-wan fails a Mind Bend roll against StormTrooper17
StormTrooper11 says, "These aren't the droids we're looking for."
StormTrooper17 levels his blaster at the party.
StormTrooper17 turns to StormTrooper11 "Unit 11? Special directive 107-A clearly instructs us to follow full ID procedures for all droids in the port!"
Obi-wan says quietly, "He can go about his business."
StormTrooper11 says, "He can go about his business."
StormTrooper17 says agitately, "No he can't! Stay where you are kid! Old man, let's see some ID!"
Obi-wan says quietly, "Move along."
StormTrooper11 gestures, casually officious. "Move along."
StormTrooper17 barks "Wait! Eleven, what's gotten into you?"
Luke gently presses the accelorator.
Luke heads over to the Cantina, south.
Luke has left.
Obi-wan heads over to the Cantina, south.
Obi-wan has left.
C3PO heads over to the Cantina, south.
C3PO has left.
R2D2 heads over to the Cantina, south.
R2D2 has left.
StormTrooper17 says angrily, "Why the hell did you let them go?"
StormTrooper11 hesitates... "I'm not sure."
StormTrooper17 says, "There's something strange about this."
StormTrooper11 nods.
( pause )
StormTrooper17 says, "Maybe it's another drill."
StormTrooper11 says, "Yeah."

In the last example, the troopers might whisper to the Monitor, asking that StormTrooper11 be allowed a roll against his INT (such as it is) because of StormTrooper17's comments. Or they might enjoy playing the straight men in the scene.

The +roll command can also be used to roll `straight dice'. That is, rather than rolling against an ability, it simply rolls dice you specify. The syntax is:

  +roll <num dice> d <sides per die> [+|- modifier]       or,
  +roll percentiles

The default <sides> is 6. Default modifier is 0.

+roll 3
>> Antar rolls a 13 on three six-sided dice

+roll 3d6
>> Antar rolls an 8 on three six-sided dice

+roll 3d6-2
>> Antar rolls an 11 on three six-sided dice, with a -2 modifier

+roll 120 d 83 + 90
>> Antar rolls 51135113 on 120 83-sided dice, with a +90 modifier

+roll percentiles
>> Antar rolls 69 on percentiles

For percentiles, you don't have to type the whole word `percentiles'. Any leading part of the word — including just `p' — will cause +roll to interpret roll as a percentile.

The program sets a limit on the number of dice rolled (1000) because the results would be pretty meaningless and would take up processor tics, but it's still possible to roll numbers high enough to generate erroneous results by specifying a silly high number of sides-per-die. Any rolls that could theoretically generate results above about 2.15 billion are suspect.

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