@program lib-quota
1 99999 d
( lib-quota    v1.0    Jessy @ FurryMUCK    3/00
  Lib-quota is the library for a set of soft-coded building commands:
  cmd-@quota cmd-@action, cmd-@open, cmd-@create, cmd-@dig, and 
  cmd-@xdig. It is backwards compatible with the standard quota program
  used on FurryMUCK and elsewhere, but is -- in my opinion at least -- 
  easier to set up and administer and differs in design philosophy.
  Instead of one large do-everything program, softcoded emulations of
  the standard building commands are provided, each sharing code from
  lib-quota and incorporating quota control. Although this approach 
  leads to some duplication of code and uses a few more dbrefs, I
  believe that this separation pays off in ease-of-use and administrative
  Port lib-quota. Set it Link_OK and Wizard. Register it as $lib/quota.
  Set the _def/ and _docs props, as follows:
@reg lib-quota=lib/quota
@set lib-quota=L
@set lib-quota=W
@set lib-quota=_defs/CheckCost:"$lib/quota" match "CheckCost" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/CheckName:"$lib/quota" match "CheckName" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/CheckQuota:"$lib/quota" match "CheckQuota" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/Exempt?:"$lib/quota" match "Exempt?" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/ExitsAllowed:"$lib/quota" match "ExitsAllowed" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/ExitsOwned:"$lib/quota" match "ExitsOwned" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/GetQuota:"$lib/quota" match "GetQuota" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/ProgramsOwned:"$lib/quota" match "ProgramsOwned" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/RegisterObject:"$lib/quota" match "RegisterObject" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/RoomsAllowed:"$lib/quota" match "RoomsAllowed" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/RoomsOwned:"$lib/quota" match "RoomsOwned" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/ThingsAllowed:"$lib/quota" match "ThingsAllowed" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/ThingsOwned:"$lib/quota" match "ThingsOwned" call
@set lib-quota=_docs:@list $lib/quota=1-90
  Lib-quota requires lib-reflist, which should be installed on any
  established MUCK.
  Once lib-quota is installed, the emulated building commands -- 
  cmd-@dig, cmd-@open, cmd-@action, and cmd-@create -- as well as the
  non-standard cmd-@xdig and quota management program, cmd-@quota, may
  be installed.
  CheckCost  [ d s -- i ]  Returns true if d has enough pennies for object 
    of type s. Because @create allows custom costs, and because programs
    have no cost, the only valid values for s are 'room' and 'exit'.
  CheckName  [ s -- i ]  Returns true if s is a valid object name.
  CheckQuota  [ d s -- i ]  Returns true if user d has additional quota
    available for an object of type s, where is is 'rooms', 'exits',
    'things', or 'programs'.
  Exempt?  [ d -- i ]  Returns true if user d is exempt from quota checks,
    either because she is a non-quelled Wizard, or has been added to
    the exempt list via cmd-@quota.
  ExitsAllowed  [ d -- i ]  Returns the number of exits d can make.
  ExitsOwned  [ d -- i ]  Returns the number of exits owned by d.
  GetQuota  [ d s -- i ]  Returns d's quota for objects of type s. If
    quota for type s is unlimited, i will be -1.
  ProgramsOwned  [ d -- i ]  Returns the number of programs owned by d.
  RegisterObject  [ d s --  ]  Sets personal regname s for object d.
  RoomsAllowed  [ d -- i ]  Returns the number of rooms d can make.
  RoomsOwned  [ d -- i ]  Returns the number of rooms owned by d.
  ThingsAllowed  [ d -- i ]  Returns the number of things d can make.
  ThingsOwned  [ d -- i ]  Returns the number of things owned by d.
  All public functions must be called from a program set M3 or W. 
  Although program-related functions such as ProgramsOwned are provided
  here and in cmd-@quota, the programs in their current state do not
  restrict the number of programs a user can own or create.
  Lib-quota may be freely ported. Please comment any changes.
$include $lib/reflist
: CheckMuckerPerm  (  --  )       (* kill process if not called by M3 *)
  caller mlevel 3 < if 
    pop me @ "Permission denied." notify pid kill 
: Exempt?  ( d -- i ) (* return true if d is exempt from quota checks *)
  dup "W" flag? 
  #0 "@quota/include_wizzes" getprop not and
  #0 "@quota/exempt" 4 rotate REF-inlist? or
public Exempt?
: ExitsOwned  ( d -- i )         (* return number of exits owned by d *)
  dup ok? not if pop 0 then
  dup player? if
    stats pop pop pop pop swap pop swap pop
    pop 0
public ExitsOwned
: ProgramsOwned  ( d -- i )      (* return number of rooms owned by d *)
  dup ok? not if pop 0 then
  dup player? if
    stats pop pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop
    pop 0
public ProgramsOwned
: RoomsOwned  ( d -- i )         (* return number of rooms owned by d *)
  dup ok? not if pop 0 then
  dup player? if
    stats pop pop pop pop pop swap pop
    pop 0
public RoomsOwned
: ThingsOwned  ( d -- i )        (* return number of rooms owned by d *)
  dup ok? not if pop 0 then
  dup player? if
    stats pop pop pop swap pop swap pop swap pop
    pop 0
public ThingsOwned
: GetQuota  ( d s -- i )               (* return d's quota for type s *)
                          (* return -1 if quota for type is unlimited *)
  over "@quota/" 3 pick strcat getpropstr dup if
    swap pop 
    #0 "@quota/" 3 pick strcat getpropstr
  dup if
    swap pop atoi
    pop pop -1
public GetQuota
: ExitsAllowed  ( d -- i )       (* return number of exits d may make *)
  dup "exits" GetQuota swap ExitsOwned -
  dup 0 < if pop 0 then
public ExitsAllowed
: RoomsAllowed  ( d -- i )       (* return number of rooms d may make *)
  dup "rooms" GetQuota swap RoomsOwned -
  dup 0 < if pop 0 then
public RoomsAllowed
: ThingsAllowed  ( d -- i )     (* return number of things d may make *)
  dup "things" GetQuota swap ThingsOwned -
  dup 0 < if pop 0 then
public ThingsAllowed
: CheckQuota  ( d s -- i )  
     (* return true if user has additional quota for type s available *)
  over Exempt? if
    pop pop 1 exit
	dup "rooms"  smatch if pop RoomsAllowed else
	dup "exits"  smatch if pop ExitsAllowed else
	     pop ThingsAllowed 
  then then

  dup 0 <= if
	  dup 0 = not if
		  pop -1
	  pop 1
public CheckQuota
: CheckCost  ( d s -- i ) 
          (* return true if d has enough pennies for object of type s *)
  over Exempt? if pop pop 1 exit then
  "exits" over smatch if
    pop pennies 1 < if
    then exit
  "rooms" over smatch if
    pop pennies 10 < if
    then exit
  then then 
  pop pop 1
public CheckCost
: CheckName  ( s -- i )    (* return true if s is a valid object name *)
  dup "#"    stringpfx if pop 0 exit then
  dup "="    instr     if pop 0 exit then
	dup "&"    instr     if pop 0 exit then
  dup "here" smatch    if pop 0 exit then
  dup "me"   smatch    if pop 0 exit then
  dup "home" smatch    if pop 0 exit then
  pop 1
public CheckName
: RegisterObject  ( d s --   )          (* set personal regname for d *)
  me @ "_reg/" 3 pick strcat getprop dup if
    "Used to be registered as $prop: $object"
    swap unparseobj "$object" subst
    over "$prop" subst me @ swap notify
  me @ "_reg/" 3 pick strcat 4 pick setprop
  "Now registered as $prop: $object"
  swap "$prop" subst
  swap unparseobj "$object" subst me @ swap notify
public RegisterObject
@reg lib-quota=lib/quota
@set lib-quota=L
@set lib-quota=W
@set lib-quota=_defs/CheckCost:"$lib/quota" match "CheckCost" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/CheckName:"$lib/quota" match "CheckName" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/CheckQuota:"$lib/quota" match "CheckQuota" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/Exempt?:"$lib/quota" match "Exempt?" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/ExitsAllowed:"$lib/quota" match "ExitsAllowed" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/ExitsOwned:"$lib/quota" match "ExitsOwned" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/GetQuota:"$lib/quota" match "GetQuota" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/ProgramsOwned:"$lib/quota" match "ProgramsOwned" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/RegisterObject:"$lib/quota" match "RegisterObject" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/RoomsAllowed:"$lib/quota" match "RoomsAllowed" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/RoomsOwned:"$lib/quota" match "RoomsOwned" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/ThingsAllowed:"$lib/quota" match "ThingsAllowed" call
@set lib-quota=_defs/ThingsOwned:"$lib/quota" match "ThingsOwned" call
@set lib-quota=_docs:@list $lib/quota=1-90