@prog gen-mesgboard
1 9999 d
1 i
( MUFmessageBoard v0.80   Copyright 5/31/91 by Garth Minette )
(                                           foxen@netcom.com )
( A program for storing and displaying multi-line messages   )
( This code may be freely distributed, and code from it may   
  used in other non-similar programs, but the author's name
  must be credited.                                          )

( CHANGES: This version modified by Jessy @ FurryMUCK. In
    func interface, 'trigger @ name' replaced with 'cmd @', so 
    that command aliases may be used in place of a separate 
    exit object for each command.                            )
$def VERSION "MessageBoard v2.7"
$include $lib/strings
$include $lib/props
$include $lib/match
$include $lib/lmgr
$include $lib/mesg
$include $lib/mesgbox
$include $lib/edit
$include $lib/editor
$def .sedit_std EDITOR
$def STRtolower tolower
$def DAYOFFSET 7800
( ***** Misc. Object ***** )
: get-day ( -- dayint)
    systime dup 86400 % time 60 * + 60 * + - - 86400 /
$define showrange EDITdisplay $enddef
( ***** Message Board Object -- MBRD *****
    Display  [parm base dbref -- err]
    Add      [parm base dbref -- err]
    Kill     [parm base dbref -- err]
: MBRDparseinfo (refnum base dbref -- keywords protect? poster day subject)
    (format: player# day# subject$)
    (new:    $topicword safe? player# day# subject$)
    dup "$" 1 strncmp not if
      1 strcut swap pop
      " " STRsplit " " STRsplit swap atoi swap
      "" 0 rot
    " " STRsplit swap atoi dbref swap
    " " STRsplit swap atoi swap
: MBRDreparseinfo (keywords protect? poster day subject -- infostr)
    rot owner rot rot
    swap intostr " " strcat swap strcat
    swap int intostr " " strcat swap strcat
    swap intostr " " strcat swap strcat
    swap ";" " " subst STRtolower " " strcat
    swap strcat "$" swap strcat
: MBRDsetinfo (refnum base dbref keywords protect? poster day subject -- )
    rot owner rot rot
    MBRDreparseinfo -4 rotate MBOX-setinfo
lvar tmp
: MBRDperms? (refnum base dbref -- bool)
    me @ owner tmp !
    MBRDparseinfo pop pop rot rot pop pop
    tmp @ dbcmp tmp @ "Wizard" flag? or
    tmp @ trigger @ getlink owner dbcmp or
    tmp @ trigger @ location owner dbcmp or
: MBRDlastread (dbref -- lastreadmesgnum)
    "_bbsread/" swap intostr strcat
    me @ owner swap getpropval
: MBRDset_lastread (lastreadnum dbref -- )
    "_bbsread/" swap intostr strcat
    me @ owner swap rot "" swap addprop
: MBRDdisplay-expire? (refnum base dbref -- bool)
    dup "_expire" getpropstr atoi
    dup not if pop pop pop pop 0 exit then
    -4 rotate MBRDparseinfo
    pop -4 rotate pop swap pop
    if pop pop 0 exit then
    get-day swap - <
: MBRDdisplay-header (topicstr refnum base dbref -- )
    3 pick 3 pick 3 pick MBRDparseinfo
    (topicstr refnum base dbref keywords protect? poster day subject)
    5 rotate 9 rotate dup if
        (If keyword is a negative number, don't display mesgs older than that)
        dup number? over atoi 0 < and if
            4 pick get-day - over atoi < if
                pop pop pop
                pop pop pop
                pop pop pop
            pop pop
            (If keyword is 'new', don't display messages older than 2 days)
            dup "new" stringcmp not if
                get-day 5 pick - 3 >= if
                    pop pop pop
                    pop pop pop
                    pop pop pop
                pop pop
                (If keyword isn't in the keywords of the mesg don't display)
                instr not if
                    pop pop pop pop
                    pop pop pop exit
        pop pop
    7 pick intostr 5 rotate if "} " else ") " then strcat
    4 rotate
    dup ok? if
        dup player? if name
        else pop "(Toaded Player)"
    else pop "(Toaded Player)"
    strcat "  " strcat
    rot get-day swap - 
    dup 7 < if
        dup not if pop "Today"
        else dup 1 = if pop "Yesterday"
            else intostr " days ago" strcat
    else 7 / dup 1 = if pop "Last week"
        else intostr " weeks ago" strcat
    " -- " strcat strcat swap
    strcat me @ swap notify
    pop pop pop
: MBRDdisplay-loop (topic base dbref lcv  -- )
    3 pick 3 pick MBOX-count swap
        over over <  if pop pop pop pop pop break then
        5 pick over 6 pick 6 pick
        3 pick 3 pick 3 pick MBRDdisplay-expire? if
          MBOX-delmesg pop
          swap 1 - swap
          1 +
    "Use 'read 'to list a message.  Use 'read ' to list"
    me @ swap notify
    "messages with a keyword.  Use 'read -' to read the next message."
    me @ swap notify
: MBRDdisplay_next (base dbref -- err)
    (find the next message reference number)
    dup MBRDlastread 1 +
    3 pick 3 pick MBOX-num2ref
    (Was that the last message?)
    dup not if
       pop pop pop
       6 (No more messages to read.) exit
    rot rot
    (remember that we've read this message)
    3 pick 3 pick 3 pick MBOX-ref2num
    over MBRDset_lastread
    (display the message)
    "" 4 pick 4 pick 4 pick MBRDdisplay-header
    MBOX-message showrange
    0 (No error.)
: MBRDdisplay (parmstr base dbref -- err)
    rot STRtolower -3 rotate (lowercase parmstr)
    begin (Not a loop.  Used for fake case, to provide breaks)
        (case "-":)
            (read next message after last read mesg)
        3 pick "-" strcmp not if
            rot pop
            break (Yes, I know the break is overkill)
        (case "-recent":)
            (read all messages after last read mesg)
        3 pick "-recent" stringcmp not if
            rot pop
                over over MBRDdisplay_next
                0 sleep
            pop pop
        (case "recent":)
            (display headers of messages after last read message)
        3 pick "recent" stringcmp not if
            (find refnum of message after last message read)
            rot pop "" rot rot
            dup MBRDlastread 1 +
            3 pick 3 pick MBOX-num2ref
            dup if
                MBRDdisplay-loop (topic base dbref lcv  -- )
                6 exit (No more messages.)
        (case :)
            (Read a single message referred to by number)
        3 pick number?
        4 pick atoi 0 >= and if
            rot atoi rot rot
            (check to see if that reference is valid)
            3 pick 3 pick 3 pick MBOX-badref? if pop pop pop 2 exit then
            (remember that we've read this message)
            3 pick 3 pick 3 pick MBOX-ref2num
            over MBRDset_lastread
            (display the message)
            "" 4 pick 4 pick 4 pick MBRDdisplay-header
            MBOX-message showrange
            me @ "  " notify
            (display headers of messages, by topic or other criteria)
        1 MBRDdisplay-loop
    1 until (Not a loop.  Used for fake case.  breaks jump to after this line)
    0 (no error)
: MBRDreadlines ( -- {str_rng})
    0 .sedit_std pop
: MBRDadd (parmstr base dbref -- err)
    rot "=" STRsplit STRstrip swap STRstrip
    dup not if
        "What is the subject of this post?"
        me @ swap notify pop read STRstrip
    dup not if
        "What keywords fit this post? (ie: art, building, place, personal)"
        me @ swap notify pop read STRstrip
    0 me @ owner get-day 5 rotate MBRDreparseinfo rot rot
    ( infostr base dbref )
    dup if
        (Stamp the name and time onto the message)
        "  " over 2 + 0 swap - rotate 1 +
        "From: " me @ name strcat
        me @ player? not if
            (if it's a puppet, then include the owner's name too)
            " (" strcat
            me @ owner name strcat
            ")" strcat
        "  " strcat "%X %x %Z" systime timefmt strcat
        over 2 + 0 swap - rotate 1 +
        ( store post )
        dup 4 + rotate
        over 4 + rotate
        3 pick 4 + rotate
        0 (no error)
        pop pop pop pop 4 (post cancelled)
: MBRDkill (parmstr base dbref -- err)
    rot dup number? not if pop pop pop 1 exit then
    atoi rot rot
    3 pick 3 pick 3 pick
    MBOX-badref? if pop pop pop 2 exit then
    3 pick 3 pick 3 pick MBRDperms? not if
        pop pop pop 3 exit  (not owner of mesgboard or poster)
    0 (no error)
: MBRDprotect (parmstr base dbref -- err)
    rot dup number? not if pop pop pop 1 exit then
    atoi rot rot
    3 pick 3 pick 3 pick MBOX-badref? if pop pop pop 2 exit then
    me @ "Wizard" flag?
    me @ trigger @ getlink owner dbcmp or
    me @ trigger @ location owner dbcmp or not if
        pop pop pop 3 exit  (not owner of mesgboard or poster)
    3 pick 3 pick 3 pick MBRDparseinfo
    4 rotate not -4 rotate MBRDsetinfo
    0 (no error)
lvar fromline
: MBRDedit (parmstr base dbref -- err)
    "" fromline !
    rot dup number? not if pop pop pop 1 exit then
    atoi rot rot
    3 pick 3 pick 3 pick MBOX-badref? if pop pop pop 2 exit then
    3 pick 3 pick 3 pick MBRDperms? not if
        pop pop pop 3 exit  (not owner of mesgboard or poster)
    3 pick 3 pick 3 pick MBOX-message
    (Strip headers, if they are there)
        dup 1 + pick "  " strcmp not if
            dup 1 + rotate pop 1 - break
        dup 1 + pick "From: " 6 strncmp not if
            dup 1 + rotate fromline ! 1 - continue
        dup 1 + pick "Edited by: " 11 strncmp not if
            dup 1 + rotate pop 1 - continue
    .sedit_std pop dup not if
        pop pop pop pop 5 (no error) exit
    (Stamp the name and time onto the message)
    "  " over 2 + 0 swap - rotate 1 +
    "Edited by: " me @ name strcat
    me @ player? not if
        (if it's a puppet, then include the owner's name too)
        " (" strcat
        me @ owner name strcat
        ")" strcat
    "  " strcat "%X %x %Z" systime timefmt strcat
    over 2 + 0 swap - rotate 1 +
    (Resave the From header, if there was one)
    fromline @ if
        fromline @ over 2 + 0 swap - rotate 1 +
    dup 4 + rotate over 4 + rotate 3 pick 4 + rotate
    3 pick 3 pick 3 pick MBRDparseinfo
    me @ "Current subject: \"" 3 pick strcat "\"" strcat notify
    "Enter new subject, or press space and return to keep old one."
    me @ swap notify
    read STRstrip dup if swap then pop
    5 rotate
    me @ "Current keywords: \"" 3 pick strcat "\"" strcat notify
    "Enter new keywords, or press space and return to keep old ones."
    me @ swap notify
    read STRstrip dup if swap then pop
    -5 rotate
    swap pop get-day swap MBRDreparseinfo
    -4 rotate MBOX-setmesg
    0 (no error)
: MBRD-checkinit (basename dbref -- )
    (If MBOX doesn't exist yet, create it.)
    over over MBOX-count not if
        pop pop
( ***** Interface Object *****
$def basename "msgs"
: handle-errs
    dup not if pop me @ "Done." notify exit then
    dup 1 = if pop me @ "Should be a numeric parameter." notify exit then
    dup 2 = if pop me @ "Invalid message number." notify exit then
    dup 3 = if pop me @ "Permission denied." notify exit then
    dup 4 = if pop me @ "Cancelling post." notify exit then
    dup 5 = if pop me @ "Cancelling edit." notify exit then
    dup 6 = if pop me @ "No more messages." notify exit then
: get-bbsobj (default -- bbsdbref)
    dup "_bbsloc" getpropstr
    dup not if pop exit then
    dup number? not if pop exit then
    atoi dbref
    dup ok? not if pop exit then
    over owner over .controls
    if swap then pop
: MBRD-showhelp ( -- )
VERSION " by Foxen/Revar.  Capitalized words are user supplied args." strcat
"read #help             Shows this help screen."
"read                   Show the headers of all posted messages."
"read new               Show headers of all mesgs less than 2 days old."
"read recent            Show headers of all mesgs after last read mesg."
"read KEYWORD           Show headers of all mesgs with matching KEYWORD."
"read -DAYS             Show headers of all mesgs fewer than DAYS old."
"read MESGNUM           Read the mesg referred to by the given mesg number."
"read -                 Read the next mesg, after the last one you read."
"read -recent           Read all mesgs after last read mesg, in one long dump."
"write                  Post a message.  Prompts for subject and keywords."
"write SUBJECT          Post a mesg with given SUBJECT.  Prompts for keywords."
"write SUBJECT=KEYWRDS  Post a message with given SUBJECT and KEYWRDS."
"erase MESGNUM          Lets message owner erase a previously written mesg."
"editmesg MESGNUM       Lets message owner edit a previously written mesg."
"protect MESGNUM        Lets a wizard protect a mesg from auto-expiration."
lvar bbsobj
: interface
    "me" match me !
    dup strip "#help" stringcmp not if
        pop MBRD-showhelp
    trigger @ exit? if
        trigger @ location
        get-bbsobj bbsobj !
        basename bbsobj @ MBRD-checkinit
           Patch: replace...
              trigger @ name

              cmd @
           ...so alias names can be used rather than a
           separate exit object for each command
        command @
        (* end patch *)
        dup "write" instring if
            pop basename bbsobj @ MBRDadd
            me @ location me @ me @ name
            " finishes writing on the bulletin board." strcat
        dup "erase" instring if
            pop basename bbsobj @ MBRDkill
            handle-errs exit
        dup "edit" instring if
            pop basename bbsobj @ MBRDedit
            me @ location me @ me @ name
            " finishes editing a message on the bulletin board." strcat
        dup "protect" instring if
            pop basename bbsobj @ MBRDprotect
            handle-errs exit
        pop basename bbsobj @ MBRDdisplay
        handle-errs exit
    trigger @ get-bbsobj bbsobj !
    basename bbsobj @ MBRD-checkinit
    basename bbsobj @ MBRDdisplay
    handle-errs exit
@register gen-mesgboard=mesgboard
@set gen-mesgboard=Link_OK
@set gen-mesgboard=Wizard
@set gen-mesgboard=_version:2.7