@program cmd-@aup
1 99999 d
( cmd-@aup   v1.0    Jessy @ FurryMUCK    10/99
  This utility provides an @AUP command, that allows players to
  explicitly indicate that they have read and agree to abide by
  the terms of your MUCK's Acceptable Use Policy.
  The program simply accepts user input from the keyboard, asks
  for confirmation that the user has read and agrees to abide by
  the terms of the AUP, and -- if the user enters "yes" -- sets
  the restricted property ~aup to a values of "yes". You may
  wish to @lock important commands and exits to this property.
  For example: @lock mail=~aup:yes.
  @Set this program Wizard and link a global action with a name
  such as @AUP to it.
  The program's #help option will include information on how to
  access the AUP file, if it is configured. To configure, set the
  @aupfile property on the trigger to a string that gives
  instructions on how to read the AUP.  For ex:
    @set @aup=@aupfile:To read GenericMUCK's AUP file, type `news aup'.
  Type the command name, and -- if you agree to abide by your MUCK's
  Acceptable Use Policy -- enter "yes" at the confirmation prompt.
  Cmd-@aup may be freely ported. Please comment any changes.
$define tell me @ swap notify $enddef
: DoHelp  (  --  )                                (* show help screen *)
  " " tell
  prog name " (#" strcat prog intostr strcat ")" strcat tell " " tell
  "The " command @ strcat " command is used to indicate that " strcat
  "you have read and agree to abide by the terms of the MUCK's "
  "Acceptable Use Policy." strcat strcat tell " " tell
  trig "@aupfile" getpropstr dup if
    tell " " tell
  "Once you have read the AUP, type " command @ strcat " and " strcat
  "enter \"yes\" at the prompts if you agree to abide by the policy's "
  "terms." strcat strcat tell
: main
  "me" match me !                                 (* make sure I'm me *)
  dup if                                   (* check: user wants help? *)
    "#help" over stringpfx if DoHelp exit then
  ">>  AUP Confirmation:" tell                  (* confirm: has read? *)
  ">>  Have you read Acceptable Use Policy? (y/n)" tell
  read "yes" swap stringpfx not if
    ">>  Aborted." tell exit
                                                  (* confirm: agrees? *)
  ">>  Do you agree to abide by the policy's terms? (y/n)" tell
  read "yes" swap stringpfx not if
    ">>  Aborted." tell exit
                                                   (* set record prop *)
  me @ "~aup" "yes" setprop
                                                            (* notify *)
  ">>  Recorded. Thank you, and welcome to the MUCK." Tell
@set cmd-@aup=w
@act @aup=#0
@link @aup=cmd-@aup