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2.6.8 Defining NPCs and Creatures

NPCs are essentially character sheets used by staff members as needed for RP. Creatures are character sheets for animals or other types of creatures, applied to non-player objects as needed, such as when a spell summons a creature that follows the summoning mage's bidding. They are used in different ways, but are defined in the same way: using the +define command, specifying `npc' or `creature' as the category, and then responding to prompts needed to detail ability levels and create a character sheet.

As indicated, the primary way in which creature definitions are invoked is through summon spells. NPCs are invoked via the +become command, a utility that lets staff members temporarily replace their own character sheet with that of the NPC.

The syntax for +become is:

  +become <npc name>=<your password>

When you issue this command, your character's name is changed to that of the NPC in question, as are your sex, species, desc, and all your Argo abilities. You will switch back to your `true identity' when you type +revert, log off, or are disconnected.

Defining an NPC or creature requires you to enter the category, a name, and abilities.

>>  What is the category for this definition?
>> [Enter category, or .l to list choices, or .q to quit]

Enter `npc' or `creature' here.

>>  What is the name of this NPC?
>> [Enter name, or .q to quit]

For NPCs, this will either be a unique individual's name (Gandalf, HanSolo, DocSavage) or generic stock character name (Beggar, StormTrooper, Shopkeeper). For creatures, it will be the name of the species... `bear', `dragon', etc. (you could also define individual `creature characters' of course; for these, use NPC and specify the correct species at the species prompt below).

>>  What is Ablelard's Strength?
>> [Enter number, or .q to quit]
>>  What is Ablelard's Constitution?
>> [Enter number, or .q to quit]
>>  What is Ablelard's Dexterity?
>> [Enter number, or .q to quit]
>>  What is Ablelard's Intelligence?
>> [Enter number, or .q to quit]
>>  What is Ablelard's Presence?
>> [Enter number, or .q to quit]

These should be self explanatory. Enter the NPCs stats. For creatures, enter normal stat values for the species. All automatically created creatures have the same stat values. If you need a range of values, you'll need to enter multiple versions of the creature... `small bear', `large bear', for example.

>>  What skills does Ablelard have?
>> [Enter skill, .d when done with skills, or .q to quit]
>>  How many levels of this skill does Ablelard have?
>> [Enter number, or .q to quit]
>>  Skill entered.
>>  Do you want to enter another skill? (y/n)

The system then steps through each of the ability categories — skills, spells, psiabs, advantages, and disadvantages. In each category, repeatedly specify the instance and level. When you have entered all of the abilities from the category, or if the NPC or creature doesn't have any abilities from the category, type a .d `period d'.

>>  What is Ablelard's gender?
>> [Enter string, or .q to quit]
>>  Entered.
>>  What is Ablelard's profession or species?
>>  Entered.

These prompts will only be shown when defining an NPC: they indicate the values to be placed in the `sex' and `species' props. For creatures, gender is chosen randomly when the creature object is created. Species for creatures is automatically set to the name of the creature database entry.

>>  How many silver does Ablelard usually have?
>> [Enter number, or .q to quit]
>>  How many coppers does Ablelard usually have?
>> [Enter number, or .q to quit]

Again, these prompts are only shown when defining NPCs.

>>  Finally, please enter a description for Ablelard.
>>  Welcome to the list editor. You can get help by entering '.h' on
>>  a line by itself. '.end' will save and exit. '.abort' will abort
>>  any changes. To save changes and continue editing, use '.save'.
< Insert at line 1 >
< Editor exited. >
>>  List saved.
>>  NPC entered.

For both NPCs and creatures, the last step is to enter a description. The system automatically puts you in the list editor at this point. Enter the decription and type .end on a line by itself when done.

A final note on defining creatures: creating creatures that can be summoned with a Summon spell is a two step process... You need to define the creature and define a spell called `Summon <creature>'. You can perform these steps in either order.

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