Games: Shapestry <- current project name, not fixed (potential board game as well, like a scrabble type game) Dance Hall Damage One Eighth Omens: Dante Deo (network / AI, potential boardgame) The Great Work (network / AI, boardgame) The Disposables (network / AI, potential minatures game after RPG for story elements) The Disposables RPG (AI) Robocode (network / AI) Yellow Sign <- current project name, not fixed (animal crossing type game) Christopher (3D) Business Notes: 150,000 gross revenue prior to going full time (umm, that is 7518 copies of an A Title -- I think we may be over shooting ourselves, but a good goal) 50,000 -- salary 20,000 -- overhead expense (hardware, art, software, etc) 80,000 -- profit and in the bank affilate programs: offer percentage or set dollar amount for referrers of purchasers offer set dollar amount for referring other referrers Pricing: $7.95 -- Expansions $9.95 -- Player's Choice Titles $14.95 -- B Titles $19.95 -- A Titles $24.95 -- AAA and Gold Titles Marketing: Website: Colors -- pastels (white, yellow, pink, blue) Logo -- Henry, cute pastel bunny Slogan -- "Come Play" -- good, cute layout -- good product display Full design documents and postmortems for each game, maybe even either prototype screen shots, concept drawings, notes, etc. Each game should have a 'tell a friend' that sends them an email with a link to the game and message from the sender Conventions: Colored bunny suits with laptops containing games. On bunny's back "Come Play" and ""