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Entry 12-10-03 (originally written 12-6-03)
Blah blah blah.

I was listening to Hunter Thompson talk about how all the heroes that kids have today are basically cartoon characters. And I wondered, is that what I'm going to become? The Objectivists say that every person ought to be the summation of absolute will, and Aleister Crowley said (or transmitted from the gods) that every man and every woman is a star. I think that I want to carry myself as a deity, and that everyone should do the same. Everyone should act as though they were a god. When I say that, I don't mean that they should go around saying "I'm god" and attempt to lord it over people and do whatever they want without regard to outcome. I mean that they should live their lives as exemplars of their own personal philosophy, with no compromise. That's an ideal, and it's easy for me to just say it, knowing that society doesn't encourage such behavior or such belief. Unless, of course, your own personal philosophy allows you to negate yourself in order to satisfy others' fear and mistrust of nonconformity. But I know it's not easy, and I don't claim to have mastered it. But that's what I want. And I think I'll find that when I master this, everything else I might want will follow.

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