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Entry 5-8-04
Yeah, something like that...

It would be very easy to take down Rush Limbaugh et al. The reason these demagogues have so much power is because the people want something to believe in, they just want to believe there's some hope, someone to look to as they become increasingly disenfranchised, as their rights are taken away and their labor brings them less and less. They are ready to raise up idols, and they are ready to tear them down. One god is as good as another. So all you have to do is become a newer, flashier demagogue, a fascist-evangelist who proclaims "The so-called conservatives have been lying to you, they have held you ensnared in a conspiracy of crime and deception for decades, using your faith, your love of America, twisting it to make you and your loved ones dance for them, bleeding you to make themselves fatter and richer. They have dirtied God and the flag, they have shamed everything they claim to speak for, and it is your duty as Americans to pull them down from their high towers and make them pay for their crimes."

Unfortunately the opposition generally finds these techniques abhorrent, but this is what people respond to, it's how human beings operate. There's a love-hate relationship between the people and their heroes. You can see it with how they respond to celebrities. They love success, but they also love to see a celebrity fall. This must by necessity be redirected into the political sphere. The Roman gladiator was an effigy of the emperor.

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